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- Melanie Tom

When people ask what’s the one thing you could not do without during labour, my immediate response is: my doula, Doreen, a God sent! Before, during and after having my first baby, Doreen offered so much support by way of providing useful information on what to expect, best breathing practices at various stages of labour, various positions to get baby descending during labour, breastfeeding support afterward and so much more. But what makes Doreen special was her energy, her positive vibes, her sense of calm and attentiveness and her ability to pacify and soothe throughout. It gave me a feeling of confidence and reassurance especially during labour. I could not have done it so well without her support!

For expecting moms who are also not keen on pain relief medication during labour, I would highly recommend a doula to help you through. Doreen was my pain relief   

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- Justine Vincente

I gave birth to my third child 4 weeks ago and the experience really was a fantastic one. I've done prenatal yoga throughout the entirety of each of my three pregnancies so I think it's safe to say that I can give a fair (ok, pretty good lol) assessment.

*What prenatal yoga did for me?*

1. It was my one hour per week of *guaranteed* me time. Especially with this pregnancy and having two other kids to run after, these classes were my safe haven where I could bond with baby and totally let go of the outside world

2. It teaches you the tight breathing'll hear Doreen say it week after week. How to breathe thru contractions, how to push during delivery, etc. Basically, you get hands on information that no book or blog can ever give

3. Yoga teaches you about your body and gives you confidence and peace, *both* of which are exceedingly important during labour. Our bodies are *made* to give birth, it's our minds that make us not trust this natural process.

4. The female bond, the power that we glean from each other is remarkable. Over the past 7 years of making babies, I've developed some lifelong bonds with other mothers that *trust me*, you will need during your motherhood journey

5. Yoga opens you to the world of natural, including use of doulas etc. Now don't get me wrong, absolutely nothing is wrong with c-sections, epidurals etc because as mothers we need to stop judging, but if natural is your thing, yoga is a beautiful path to it

Sorry for the long post but as I said, I felt compelled to share. Doreen is an amazing yoga teacher, sounding board, friend and doula.

Take it from me, mother of three, it's worth dragging yourself to class every Thursday. And on the days when you don't feel like going, those are the days where at 7pm after class I promise you, you'll feel your best.

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- Gabriella D'Abreau

I had a fantastic experience working with Doreen in her prenatal yoga class and having her as my Doula for the birth of my first child and couldn't recommend her more. I was initially very anxious and overwhelmed with my first pregnancy. I was unsure of what to expect and didn't know where to begin in preparing my body and mind for the delivery of my daughter. My dream was to be able to deliver naturally without the use of any pain medication.

I began attending Doreen's prenatal yoga classes from the beginning of my second trimester up until I delivered. These classes were invaluable in preparing me for delivery. They helped me to develop my flexibility and strength and gave me most important guidance in breathing and creating a sense of calm.For my labour and delivery her presence was even more special. I genuinely don't know how I would have managed without her. She was instrumental in keeping me calm and my breathing in check. Her supportive and motivational guidance from beginning to end turned an experience I feared into a beautiful, empowering experience and I was able to meet my goal of delivery without the use of pain medications.

Especially for any first time mother looking for supportive guidance into the world of pregnancy and labour and delivery, I highly recommend Doreen both as a Doula and her Prenatal Yoga classes..

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- Allan Darwent

My then pregnant wife came to me a couple months before her expected due date and said "I would like to hire a Doula to assist with the birth"...... smiling polity I responded with a reassuring "Yes!" but in my mind could not help but think "more money again". Apart from our initial consultation with Doreen which went great, I never had any interaction with her again until the big day. Due to a prior important engagement Doreen did not get to us until Giselle's labour had progressed somewhat. In the mean time my mother-in-law and I did what we could do to assist and reassure Giselle. 

We thought we had this, and no doubt we were doing a great job. Then Doreen arrived and it was like an angel had entered the room. The obvious feeling of calm that came over all of us was obvious. She immediately connected with my wife in a way that I knew neither myself or my mother-in-law could. It was amazing. Doreen wasted no time in getting to work and involving me with the various exercises she was doing with Giselle. We all know labour is a long process and Doreen never let up. I don't even know if she ate lunch or went to the bathroom. The atmosphere remained very calm in the moment through out. 

Things did not go as planned and we ended up in a bit of an emergency situation with the doctor suggesting a c-section be done as soon as possible. Giselle went into panic mode and again, Doreen was there to keep things calm, to reassure Giselle and support her in this sudden change of plans and off Giselle and I went to the theatre. Our Baby girl was delivered safely and back to the room we went. Doreen stayed with us until about 10PM that night, she waited until all the family left to ensure that Baby was nursing and that all was well. We hugged Doreen and thanked her from the bottom of our hearts for being there for us. Doreen was now family and will forever be a part of our life but her service did not stop there. 

She visited us again the next day and a couple weeks after going home and has always remained as a resource for any questions we may have had. Doreen was amazing and I am glad that my wife requested her. She knew how to calm my very anxious wife and her stamina and dedication throughout the whole labour was faultless.

 To the fathers out there who are worried about all the money the baby is costing, I can guarantee you this is money well spent and you won't regret it!

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