Postpartum doula

While pregnant most couples’ focus is on getting through the labour and safe birth of their baby, many are not prepared for the postpartum experience. The advice given by friends and family seldom captures how exhausting and vulnerable the new parents can be during those first few days. All mothers want to make sure that their babies are receiving enough nourishment.
However, breast feeding can be a difficult experience. The constant suckling can make breasts raw and painful. Also, the first few weeks after birth can be marked by sleep deprivation and recovery pain.

Having someone, like a doula, that understands that the balance of self care for the parents is as vital as care for the newborn, and can confidently attend to the baby to offer much needed rest to the parents can be invaluable. Being guided through the uncertainty of the countless cues and crying, definitely sheds light through the haze of joyful confusion. 

Even with the best support, many mothers may experience "baby blues," and feel weepy while their hormones rebalance. They might also significant mood swings and feeling of inadequacy. Some women feel embarrassed sharing feelings with those close to them. If these feelings are not recognized and addressed, however, they can lead to depression.

Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale is self screening instrument most commonly used to identify women with postpartum mood disorders.

Interested in one of our services or registering for a class? 

Contact us today!