Placenta Encapsulation

Placenta encapsulation is the process whereby the placenta is completely dried, ground and placed into empty capsules. Consuming encapsulated placenta after delivery is said to replenish the mother with hormones, vitamins and rich nutrients found in her placenta. Among the many benefits are: 

  • Restoration of iron levels in the blood

  • Increased milk production

  • Increased energy

  • Increased release of the hormone oxytocin, which helps the uterus return to normal size and encourages bonding with the infant

  • Increased CRH, a stress-reducing hormone

  • Decreased postpartum depression levels

The dehydration process preserves the placenta, allowing the mother to benefit from it for weeks instead of just the first few days postpartum. The capsules can also be frozen, extending their use from weeks and months to years. Beyond the postpartum period, the capsules are beneficial for any stressful transition. Stress caused by returning to work at the end of your maternity leave or even that cause by a move can be alleviated by taking placenta capsules. Since the capsules also help with fatigue and milk production, they can be taken any time the mother feels worn down or needs to increase her milk supply. 

If a woman wants to use the placenta for her postpartum recovery, special consideration must be given to its care after the birth. From the time it’s birthed the placenta must be handled as though it were food, because that is what it will soon become.  It should go straight into a food-grade container,  it can also be double-bagged in gallon-sized ziplock bags — anything that can be sealed to protect the placenta from the air. It should be refrigerated as soon as possible for maximum freshness. The preparation of the placenta, should begin within the first 24 hours after birth.

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